YEAR : 2019 |
Research Centre of ICAR- CIFT in collaboration with ICAR-CCARI, Old Goa
conducted a capacity-building programme on ‘Value addition of fish and
fishery products’ under scheduled caste sub plan
ICAR-CCARI organises capacity building cum distribution programme on
Aquaculture under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan for farmers from Kerala in
collaboration with Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies,
inputs distribution in the presence of Dr. E.B. Chakurkar , Director, ICAR-CCARI, Goa, held at Arshinageri, Mundugod, Uttara Kannada District
inputs distribution in the presence of Dr. Pramod Sawant , CM, Goa
Report on training on ‘Silage Making’ under SCSP Programme.
Five days off Campus Entrepreneurship Development Training on
“Scientific management of Goats” for Scheduled Caste beneficiaries at
Adarsh Gram - Ibrampur
Report on SCSP training programme on Vermicomposting
Report on SCSP programme in the field of Home Science
and agricultural inputs distribution under SCSP scheme to the farmers of
coastal Maharashtra and Goa.
Entrepreneurship Training for SC Beneficiaries of Coastal Region in
Vacuum Fried Technology based Processing Units
Entrepreneurship development in Poultry
ICAR-CCARI organises capacity building programme on “Fisheries resource
conservation and management” under Schedule Caste Sub Plan for fishermen
from Karnataka