List of Other Publications

Other Publications

VIKSIT GOA 2047 - Revitalising Agriculture and Allied Sectors for Self-Reliant Goa

A Policy Document Report on Promotion and Regulation of Agro-Eco-Tourism in the state of Goa

Soil Erosion Status, Priority Treatment Areas and Conservation Measures for Different Districts of Goa

लहरें - (2024)- भाग-2
लहरें - (2024)- भाग-1
लहरें - (2023)
लहरें - (2022)
लहरें - (2021)

प्रज्ञा - (2012)


Training-cum-Awareness programme on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001

Souvenir and Abstracts of National Symposium on Self-Reliant Coastal Agriculture

Seminar on Ecosystems and Biodiversuty : Goa perspective- Souvenir.

State level Seminar on New Challenges in Cashew Production under the Current trends of Climate Changes :  Proceedings and   Recommendations.

Spices Production Technology     -     Price : Rs. 100/-

Agro-Eco - Tourism       -      Price : Rs. 250/- within India    /     $50    - other countries

National Seminar on Coir Pith Composting & use of geo textiles, March 17th 2012, Lecture Notes , ICAR Research Complex for Goa

Nutritional Interventions for Sustainable Dairy production in Goa. Proceedings of State level Workshop for Veterinary Officers and Progressive Dairy Farmers. 2010.

Memoirs..... Journey of ICAR Research Complex for Goa to Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute

Silver Jubilee Celebrations (1989-2014) - Souvenir

ICAR-CCARI Calendar - April, 2015 to March, 2016


Microbial diversity and its applications

Handbook on Freshwater Aquaculture

Coastal Agricultural Resource Inventory: An overview and way forward