ICAR CCARI Goa Celebrated International Day of Yoga - 2024


ICAR CCARI Goa Celebrated International Day of Yoga - 2024


ICAR CCARI Goa enthusiastically celebrated International Day of Yoga 2024 at the Institute on 21st June, 2024. The event featured Ms. Reetu Chauhan, a renowned Sr. Yoga and Meditation coach from 'Breathe Well-being,' who led the session online. She guided participants through various micro-exercises for warming up and demonstrated a range of Asanas, emphasizing Surya Namaskar for its comprehensive benefits. The session concluded with a brief meditation to foster inner peace and mindfulness.

Dr. Parveen Kumar, the Director, encouraged everyone to incorporate yoga into their daily routines. The session saw active participation from staff members, project staff, and their families, both offline and online. The celebration was coordinated by Shri Vinod Ubarhande (Farm Superintendent), the Nodal Officer for IDY, along with Co-Nodal Officers Dr. Uthappa AR (Scientist, Agroforestry) and Shri Vishwajit  Prajapati (Technical Officer, Computer).