Vermicompost Production Technology     





Vermicompost Production Technology


ICAR-CCARI, KVK, North Goa, conducted a training on Vermicomposting Production Technology in Karmali, Goa, on 28 September 2024, as part of the Krishak Swarna Samrudhi Week. Dr. N. Bommayasamy, Senior Scientist and Head, ICAR-KVK, North Goa, highlighted the methods of recycling agricultural and household waste into enriched compost to safeguard the fragile ecosystem. It promotes soil aeration, texture, and moisture retention capacity.

            Mr. Rahul Kumar, SMS (Agronomy), elucidated various advantages of vermicompost application for environmentally friendly farming. Dr. Udharwar, SMS (Animal Science), highlighted the significance of livestock in vermicompost production and self-employment generation. Mr. Rahul Kumar, Dr. N. Bommayasamy, Dr. Sanjay Udharwar, and Mr. Vishwajeet Prajapati meticulously organized the program.  Thirty-five farmers and farm women ( 12 male and 23 female) participated in the vermicompost for income generation.