ICAR-CCARI organized a field day cum farmer interface at Tallur, Karnataka

ICAR-CCARI organized a field day cum farmer interface at Tallur, Karnataka

            ICAR-CCARI, Goa organized a field day cum farmer interface and input distribution programme under SCSP at Tallur, Udupi, and Karnataka on 5 July 2024.  Dr. Sreekanth GB, Senior Scientist), ICAR-CCARI, Goa and Dr Shivakumar Haragi Associate Professor, Dept. of Marine Biology, Karwar, Karnatak University, Dharwad), Shri Chandra K, Shri. Lakshman (progressive fishermen and fish farmers from Karnataka), along with 15 fishers/farmers (including eight farmwomen) participated in the programme. While addressing the fishermen and farmers, Dr Shivakumar appreciated the activities of ICAR-CCARI for fishermen and farmers in the coastal region. Dr. Sreekanth GB highlighted the importance of the scheme and ICAR-CCARI is making their continuous efforts to improve the livelihood of the fishermen and farmers in the coastal region. He has also demonstrated the operation of the low-cost crab fattening unit and low-cost tarpaulin fish tank for improving the income of fishermen/farmers. It was also requested by the experts to form a self-help-group of fishermen and farmers from the region to promote brackishwater based integrated farming (including agriculture, and livestock) and value addition under different developmental schemes. Further, the fishing gear materials (gillnets), fish tanks and crab fattening units were distributed to the beneficiaries. The scientific team requested the feedback from the beneficiaries regarding the operation of the net, crab unit and tarpaulin fish tank. The beneficiaries also assured all the support for the research and development activities of ICAR-CCARI. Dr Sreekanth GB, Shri Trivesh Mayekar- Scientist (Fish genetics and breeding)) and Mr. Melbin Lal (YP 2) coordinated the programme.