Distribution of poultry germplasms and other inputs under SCSP scheme of Poultry Seed Project (PSP)


Distribution of poultry germplasms and other inputs under SCSP scheme of Poultry Seed Project (PSP)

The distribution of poultry chicks, medicines, feed and extension bulletin for the farmers belonging to the SC community was carried out at ICAR- Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa for the year 2020-21. Total eleven farmers were provide each with sixty numbers of poultry chicks along with poultry medicine containing Vimeral (500 ml), Fenbendazole bolus (150 mg), Baycox 1 liter), Ceflax (20 gm sachet), Groviplex (5 liters), Supercox power (100g) and tetracycline power (100g sachet). The chick feed and Grower feed was also provided to them. This was carried out under the SCSP scheme of the Poultry Seed Project (PSP).