QRT of ICAR-CCARI visited a progressive farmers field in North Goa

QRT of ICAR-CCARI visited a progressive farmers field in North Goa

       The Third Meeting of the 5th Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) of ICAR-CCARI, Goa was held on 27-28 May 2024. The meeting was chaired by Dr M. B. Chetti, Vice Chancellor, Sanskriti University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh and attended by the QRT members, Dr. M. R. Dinesh, Former Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, Dr. K. K. Singh, Dean, Sankskriti University, Mathura, Dr. P. Pravin, Former ADG (Marine Fisheries), ICAR, Dr. Ashalatha K.V., Professor & Head Department of Agricultural Statistics, CoA, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka. Dr. Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-CCARI, Goa and Dr. Gopal Mahajan, Member Secretary, QRT, and the team of ICAR-CCARI staff organized the meeting as per the guidance of Hon’ble QRT. The QRT team visited the outreach and transfer of technology (ToT) sites in Pernem, North Goa on 28 May 2024. Dr. Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-CCARI, scientists, technical and project staff participated and facilitated the visits.

            The QRT visited the Millionaire Farmer of India Awardee (2023) and Fr. Inacio Almeida Annual Awardee (2021-22) farmer Shri Dilip Narulkar’s field. The QRT visited Shri Dilip Narulkar Ji, recipient of the Millionaire Farmer of India Award (2023) and the Fr. Inacio Almeida Annual Award (2021-22). Shri Narulkar's integrated organic farming unit includes plantations, fruits and vegetable crops, fodder, dairy, poultry, and fishery. Interventions by ICAR-CCARI, such as improved fodder varieties, skill-building through ASCI programs, improved poultry breeds, organic input production (vermicomposting and Jeevamrut), scientific dairy farming, and millet cultivation have  increased his net  income by 2 to 3 times. His future endeavors include agroecotourism, virgin coconut oil production, cashew processing, value addition to banana and jackfruit, and establishing a nursery for plant propagation. The banker turned progressive farmer, Shri Narulkar showcased his agricultural activities and value-added products enthusiastically. The QRT appreciated his efforts and innovations, encouraging him to pursue nursery and plant propagation in a PPP mode under technical guidance of ICAR-CCARI and KVK, North Goa.

The interaction meeting and field visits were coordinated by Dr. Sanjay Kumar Udharwar, Dr. N. Bommayasamy, Shri Rahul M. Kulkarni, and Shri Vishwajeet Prajapati.