Training programme conducted on “Scientific Practices of Pig Rearing” under Institute Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP)


Training programme conducted on “Scientific Practices of Pig Rearing” under Institute Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP)

    One day training programme (27 August, 2021) on “Scientific Practices of Pig Rearing” was successfully completed at ICAR- Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa under the Institute Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) programme. Total seven participants from different parts of Goa had attended the training. Dr Amiya Ranjan Sahu (Scientists) had given the introductory remarks. He had delivered lectures as well as practical sessions on different aspects of scientific pig farming, its importance, breeds, managemental practices, feeding, breeding and its significance. Dr Shivasharanappa, N. (Senior Scientist) had delivered lecture on different aspects of disease prevalence, preventive measures, deworming and vaccination in pigs. Mr. Sajan Naik (YP-II) and Miss. Nerina Fernandes (Project Assistant) were associated with registration of farmers, demonstration of feeding and other activities during the training. Participants were demonstrated on various techniques such as castration in piglet, semen collection from boar, artificial insemination in sow, deworming and vaccination in pigs, etc. There was an interactive session by the scientists with the farmer trainees. At the end, certificates were distributed to the participants by Dr. Amiya Ranjan Sahu (Scientist, Training Coordinator) along with other staff members of the institute.



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