ICAR-CCARI Goa organised “On farm demonstration and distribution of Inputs” to farmers under NABARD funded poultry project

ICAR-CCARI Goa organised “On farm demonstration and distribution of Inputs” to farmers under NABARD funded poultry project

       An input distribution-cum-demonstration programme conducted under the NABARD funded project “Promotion of Improved Indigenous Backyard Poultry through Scientific Interventions for Sustainable Poultry Production and Livelihood Security in Goa” at the Poultry Unit of ICAR-CCARI, Goa during 8th May, 13th May, 30th May and 31st ay 2024. During the event, various inputs like 25 nos. of four-week-old chicks, 30 kg of chick feed, one feeder and one waterer to each farmer. Total 27 farmers from Bardez taluka of Goa attended the programme and benefitted by the distribution under this project. Dr. Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-CCARI Goa interacted with the beneficiaries and encouraged them to be self-sufficient through sustainable poultry farming. Dr. Nibedita Nayak, Scientist and PI of the project addressed the gathering with the objective of the project and guided the farmers about brooding of chicks and management at every stage of rearing chicken. Dr. Amiya Ranjan Sahu, Scientist and Co-PI of the project, discussed with the farmers regarding the preventive measures to avoid infection in backyard poultry and provided effective solutions and vaccination schedule. Dr. Shirish Narnaware, Senior Scientist (Veterinary Pathology) & Section I/C (Animal & Fishery Science), guided the farmers on the terms and conditions of the project and the health management of the chicks. He also encouraged the farmers to adopt sustainable poultry farming practices. Technical assistance and demonstrations on using the feeder and precise drinker provided by Mr. Narayan Gawas, Project Assistant and Mr. Siddesh Korgaonkar, YP1.