Field visit and interaction with traditional fishermen at Karwar, coastal Karnataka


Field visit and interaction with traditional fishermen at Karwar, coastal Karnataka

    A field visit and interaction was carried out with the traditional fishermen of Sagar Darshan fishing site at Karwar, Uttara Kannada coastal district of Karnataka on 31 January 2025. A total of 40 fishermen operating 20 traditional fishing boats were counted on the fishing site. They operate gillnets of different mesh sizes ranging from 36 to 100 mm to catch mackerel, sardine, anchovies, white sardine, shrimps, carangids, crabs, ribbon fish and grouper. The fishermen expressed a concern regarding the decline of fish catch in the last 10 years and the pattern of catch also is fluctuating. Dr Sreekanth GB, Senior Scientist (FRM), ICAR-CCARI interacted with the fishermen and explained the technologies developed by the institute for the coastal fishermen including the fish traps and crab farming systems. The fishermen assured their continuous support for the research and development activities of the institute and expressed their interest to get exposure to the technologies developed by CCARI. The programme was coordinated by Dr Sreekanth GB and Dr Shivakumar B Haragi, Associate Professor, Dept. Studies in Marine Biology, Karnatak University PG Studies Centre, Karwar.