An awareness training cum demonstration on Value addition in Jack and kokum fruits

An awareness training cum demonstration on Value addition in Jack and kokum fruits was conducted at ICAR Research Complex for Goa on 3rd April 2013. This programme sponsored by Tribal Sub Plan, was conducted exclusively for the benefit of tribal folk. It was attended by 25 participants from villages like Shirdona, Quitula, Podural, Valpoi, Pilar and Dongrim.

 Dr Narendra Pratap Singh, Director of the institute was the Chief Guest. Two expertise viz., Mrs. Sunetra Talaulikar, SMS (Home Science) and Mrs Nirmala Singh, Home maker demonstrated various value added products to the participants.

Different machineries like hand operated jack fruit cutter, hand operated chips cutter, kokum cutting machine, electric dryer and sealing machine were demonstrated during the training. The participants were also given hands on training to operate the same.

 Then various value added products like jack fruit  pickle, jack fruit chips, jack fruit bajjas, jack-pineapple RTS, jack fruit leather and kokum sharbat were method demonstrated by the expertise during the day. There was active and enthusiastic participation by the trainees.

During the plenary session, the feed back was strong and positive. Few participants wanted to take up processing in commercial scale for their livelihood security. They were also keen to use the machineries for the same.

Mrs Aruna Vishnu Wagh, who graced the occasion emphasized that the participants should make use of the technologies and processes demonstrated during the programme. She also stressed upon the importance of packaging. Likewise, Director of the institute addressed the gathering about the significance of processing, packaging and marketing of products. The programme ended after the products prepared were served / distributed amongst the trainees.



An awareness cum demonstration in value addition in jack and kokum fruits