Training cum demonstration on Value addition in Jack fruit was conducted at ICAR Research Complex for Goa on 15th and 16th April 2013. This programme was conducted for the benefit of rural folk of Goa. It was attended by more than 100 participants from villages like Cotigaon and Gaondongrim (Canacona), Morpirla (Quepem), Dhave (Volpoi) and Aldona (Bardez).
Dr S.K.Das, Incharge Director of the institute acted as the Chief Guest. Three expertise viz., Mrs. Sunetra Talaulikar, SMS (Home Science), Mrs Padmini Sivadas, and Mr Sivadas from Kerala demonstrated various value added products to the participants. Different machineries like hand operated jack fruit cutter, hand operated chips cutter and electric dryer were demonstrated during the training. The participants were also given hands on training to operate the same. Preparation of jack fruit pulp was demonstrated first. This was used as base material to prepare various other products like Halwa, Gulab jamun, unniappam and sweet vada. Then fresh and ripe fruit was used to demonstrate products like dessert, kheer, jam, squash and wine.
Mature but unripe fruits were used to demonstrate products like pakoda, cutlet, plain and masala papad. Half mature fruits were demonstrated for pickle making. Seeds were used for making pakodas and kheer. There was active and enthusiastic participation by the trainees.
During the plenary session, Mrs. Sunetra Talaulikar, SMS (Home Science), sought for feedback from the participants. She also encouraged them to clarify their doubts. The feed back was strong and positive. Few participants wanted to take up processing in commercial scale for their livelihood security. They were also keen to use the machineries for the same.
Mrs Padmini Sivadasan, expertise addressed the gathering and encouraged them to take up in commercial scale. Dr S.K.Das who graced the occasion felicitated the expertise and emphasized that the participants should make use of the technologies and processes demonstrated during the programme. Dr Mathala Juliet Gupta proposed vote of thanks. The programme ended after the products prepared were served / distributed amongst the trainees.