ICAR-CCARI Goa organised “Field Day-cum-Farmers Interaction and Input Distribution” Programme

ICAR-CCARI Goa organised “Field Day-cum-Farmers Interaction and Input Distribution” Programme

            A “Field Day-cum-Farmers Interaction and Input Distribution” was organized under AICRP on Pig in Majorda, Betalbatim, Sarzora and Chinchinim areas of Goa on 3-06-2024. Team of scientists visited four farmer fields in which some farmers were maintaining indigenous breeds and improved varieties of pigs and poultry, and some were practising integrated farming system with components of pig, poultry, seabass, tilapia and ornamental fishes. Farmers were also rearing pigs and backyard poultry birds like Kadaknath, Srinidhi, CARI-Nirbheek and Gramapriya. In Chinchinim village, one farmer was maintaining 15 crossbreed cows and also a biogas unit. Dr Shripad Bhat, Senior Scientist (Agricultural Economics) interacted with the farmers about efficient utilization of local resources for better farm output and economic benefits from livestock rearing. During the visit body weights of the pigs were recorded and feedback on institute technology adopted by the farmers were collected.

            On the same day, field survey was conducted for documentation of phenotypic characteristics of non-descriptive buffalo under Network Project on Animal Genetic Resources. Team also visited and interacted with farmers from Tiswadi and Quepem talukas rearing local buffaloes. Phenotypic characters and body measurements like horn, ear, chest girth, height at withers, body length, and other necessary details of more than 50 buffaloes were recorded. During the visit, medicinal and feed supplements like vimeral, Ostovet and mineral mixture were distributed to all the farmers.

            Dr Amiya Ranjan Sahu, Scientist and Project In charge explained the scientific management, feeding practices and vaccination of pigs. He also described the objectives of the project and purpose of the field survey for registration of the non-descript animals. Dr Gokuldas P. P., Senior Scientist (Animal Reproduction) interacted with the farmers and suggested on scientific reproductive management of the breeding stock. Mr Kiran Hangaragi, Young Professional-I assisted in phenotypic data recording and overall coordination of the programme.