Field day cum farmer interaction at cage fish farm, Curtorim, Goa


Field day cum farmer interaction at cage fish farm, Curtorim, Goa


    ICAR-CCARI, Goa organized a field day cum monitoring of the cage fish farm activities at Curtorim on 14 July 2024. The meet and visit was organized in the seabass cage culture units established in Curtorim, Zuari estuary, Goa. The field visits were aimed to implement strategies and provide advisories on improving fish yield from the region. The infrastructure support for the cage culture was given from Directorate of Fisheries, Govt. of Goa. The cages were inspected and advisories were given. The farmers expressed the major current obstacles to the cage fish farming are the water quality issues, growth of aquatic weeds and the disease outbreaks. The suggestions were given to keep a net cover around the cages to prevent the entry of aquatic weeds. The fishing operations were also carried out with the specifically designed trap by the fishermen in the region. The discussion also included the collection of natural fish seeds from the estuary using 1) cage traps and from local fishermen to reduce the shortage of seed supply, 2) starting the cage culture of pearlspot, Etroplus suratensis and 3) to operate the novel crab fattening units near the cages to improve the income from the given area. The possibility of trials of salt tolerant rice varieties/poultry, duck and goat farming/agro-eco-tourism were also discussed. Dr Sreekanth GB, Shri Trivesh Mayekar- Scientist (Fish genetics and breeding)) and Mr. Melbin Lal (YP 2) coordinated the programme.