ICAR CCARI organized a workshop on recent advances and digital tools in scientific and research communications

ICAR CCARI organized a workshop on recent advances and digital tools in scientific and research communications


    ICAR-CCARI, Goa organized a workshop on recent advances and digital tools in research communication for scientists, technical staff and research scholars on 11 June 2024. Mr. KP Madhu, Science Writing Consultant of Current Science delivered a lecture on the content writing, document editing, literature search, data management, plagiarism check, and recent digital tools in science writing and research communication. He has also highlighted the importance of using these tools in communicating science for faster and better acceptance. He has also highlighted and expressed interest to collaborate with CCARI, Goa for scientific correspondence in agricultural communication. A total of 20 participants attended the programme. Dr Parveen Kumar, Director, CCARI felicitated Mr Madhu and Smt. Gita for their continuous efforts in promoting effective science communication. The programme was coordinated by Dr Sreekanth GB, Sr. Scientist (FRM) and Shri. Siddharth Marathe, Asst. Chief Technical Officer (PME Cell) of CCARI.