Field visit cum farmer interaction at multi-species brackishwater fish farm at Curca, Goa





Field visit cum farmer interaction at multi-species brackishwater fish farm at Curca, Goa


    A field visit cum monitoring of the brackishwater fish farm activities at Curca, Goa was carried out on 3 October 2024. The meet and visit was organized in the multispecies aquaculture farm of Dr. Jateen S, (polyculture of seabass, red snapper, pearlspot, crab and shrimp) established near Zuari estuary, Goa after five year continuous efforts with guidance from scientists of ICAR-CCARI. The field visit was aimed to implement strategies and provide advisories on improving the fish yield. The farmer expressed the current issues in the fish farming such as nursery rearing, water quality issues, and disease outbreaks. The ponds were inspected and advisories were given. The fishing operations were also carried out to observe the stock cultured in the ponds. The discussion also included the collection of natural fish seeds from the estuary using 1) cage traps and from local fishermen to reduce the shortage of seed supply, 2) starting the cage culture of pearlspot and 3) to operate the novel crab fattening units to improve the income from the given area. The possibility of trials of salt tolerant rice varieties/poultry, duck and goat farming/agro-eco-tourism were also discussed. Dr Sreekanth GB, Shri Trivesh Mayekar- Scientists from CCARI and Mr. Melbin Lal (YP 2) coordinated the programme.