Interaction with progressive women cage farmer of Goa at ICAR-CCARI
Interaction with progressive women cage farmer of Goa at ICAR-CCARI
Estuarine cage fish culture is a recent development in Goa with only a successful field history of less than five years. However, a progressive women farmer, Smt. Silvia Fernandez from Curtorim successfully operates the cage culture of seabass in the Zuari estuary for the last four years with financial assistance from Directorate of Fisheries, Govt. of Goa. An interaction was organised with the farmer at ICAR-CCARI in order to discuss various options for promoting and expanding the cage culture and allied activities on 22 October 2024. She appreciated technical support rendered by ICAR-CCARI Scientists to improve the income and livelihood of coastal farmers. The technology of crab fattening was enquired by the farmer and the advisories were given. The floating fish cage cum duck unit, crab fattening units, estuarine fish traps and small-scale ornamental fish tanks were demonstrated to the farmer. The farmer requested the support for 1) trash fish cutting machine, 2) feed management in cage culture, 3) marketing of the produce, 4) cage culture of pearlspot and red snapper and 5) linking with the institute for fish-based agro-eco-tourism. The farmer expressed their sincere gratitude towards ICAR-CCARI for the technical support and assured whole hearted co-operation in the research and development initiatives. She has also actively participated in the industry meet organised at the institute. Dr Sreekanth GB, and Shri Trivesh Mayekar- Scientist of CCARI co-ordinated the programme.