Shri Arun Das, STEM Systems Pvt. Ltd. nurtured by KUFOS and ICAR-CCARI received the best fisheries Start-up Award from the Govt. of Kerala



Shri Arun Das, STEM Systems Pvt. Ltd. nurtured by KUFOS and ICAR-CCARI received the best fisheries Start-up Award from the Govt. of Kerala


    Shri Arun Das NH from STEM Systems Pvt. Ltd., an incubate of KUFOS, Kochi and ICAR-CCARI, Goa has been conferred with the best fisheries Start-up Award by the Govt. of Kerala on 10 July 2024 during the National Fish Farmers Day Celebrations at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He received the award for developing a novel crab fattening system to improve the income and livelihood of fishermen and fish farmers.

            Cage culture is a major fish farming activity practiced in the estuarine waters of the west coast of India for more than two decades. Although cage farming has become a significant source of livelihood for fishermen in the coastal region alongside traditional fishing, pollution-related water quality deterioration poses a serious threat. This environmental issue leads to mass fish kills and stock losses. So, any intervention to compensate for the loss or to add to the farmers' income should be appreciated. It can be noted that about 25% of the water area inside and outside the cages remains unutilized where some new ideas can generate increased income for fish farmers.

Shri Arun Das NH, who has been incubated at KUFOS, Kochi and ICAR-CCARI, Goa successfully demonstrated a novel crab fattening system at Cheppanam (Ernakulum District) as a significant additional income source for the fishermen operating in estuarine regions. The technology uses a modified system from the existing crab box types. Properly designed HDPE barrels are used as crab fattening units with provisions for water exchange, feeding and waste removal. The fattening system can also be operated as a backyard activity near the estuarine regions irrespective of the presence of cages or other farming systems.