Review Meeting of Animal Science and Fishery Science Section of this Institute

           A review meeting of all the Scientists of Animal Science and Fishery Science section, of this Institute was held on 12/08/2012 at 10.00 am in the Exhibition Hall of the Institute. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Narendra Pratap Singh, Director, ICAR Goa; Dr. A.K. Shrivastava, Director, NDRI, Karnal; Dr. SM.K. Naqvi, Director, CSWRI, Avikanagar; Dr. N. V. Patil, Director, NRCC, Bikaner; Dr. K.K. Philipose, In-charge, KRC, CMFRI, Karwar; Dr. N.K.S. Gowda, Pr. Scientist, NIANP, Bangalore; Dr. B. Srinivas, Pr. Scientist, SRS, NDRI, Bangalore and the Scientists of ICAR Research Complex for Goa attended the meeting. The Director, ICAR Goa welcomed all the experts. He highlighted the research and extension activities of the Institute. Dr. Singh also described the problems faced by the farmers of the region especially lower productivity and diseases of the livestock. He emphasized the demand of the farmers for new, innovative and eco-friendly technologies including biotechnology to solve these issues. In the technical session, all the scientists from Animal and Fishery Science sections presented the progress report. The experts evaluated all the projects critically and gave valuable suggestions for the benefit of the farmers of Goa. The meeting with His Excellency, the Governor of Goa with the experts of ICAR and Director, ICAR Goa was also held on 12th August, 2013 evening. The following points for enhancement of animal production and productivity in Goa were discussed. Cross breeding using exotic germplasm should be done with only non descript/non productive and less productive animals. Buffalo and Goat farming should be promoted in Goa. Locally available feed and fodders should be evaluated for nutritive value. Hydroponic and by-pass fat should be encouraged. Carrying capacity of Goa needs to be calculated. Research should be taken up on food borne zoonotic diseases as well as on mastitis and reproductive disorders. Model for “climate resilient farming system” must be developed and demonstrated at farmers door.




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