Vigilance Awareness Week celebrated


Vigilance Awareness Week celebrated

 As per the instruction from Council headquarters and Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), the Vigilance awareness week was celebrated during 31 Oct to 5 Nov 2016 at ICAR-CCARI Old Goa with a main focus “Public participation in promoting integrity and eradicating corruption”.

In this connection, pledge was taken on 31.10.2016 11:30 am at Institute conference hall both in Hindi and English to eradicate corruption. Dr EB Chakurkar, Director (A) and Dr V Arunachalam Vigilance Officer of the institute and other scientists, staff of the institute along with Dr Narendra Pratap Singh, Director ICAR-NIASM Baramati and delegates of the ICAR Short course on agro-ecotourism participated in the pledge.

A handout as texted below in Hindi and English was prepared with following slogans in large numbers and distributed to the public.

  • Corruption-dishonest /fraudulent conduct by bribery

  • Transparency breeds trust

  • Corruption leads to inefficiency

  • Corruption creates accidents

  • Corruption results in poor quality of services

  • Corruption breaks trust 

  • Giving bribe is a crime & Taking bribe is a crime

  • It is better to lead bribe free life than guilt free life

  • Avoid nepotism and don’t give favour to relatives

  • Be a part of Movement against Corruption

  • Help Realising Dream of Corruption Free India

Issued in public interest as part of Vigilance awareness week by ICAR-CCARI Ela Old Goa 403402


A video dealing with good practices, ways of dealing corruption, Dos and Don’ts and the details of the functioning of the CVC was prepared by the AKMU of the institute and broadcasted vide electronically using the TV display near the main entrance during the week.

Banners were displayed at main locations of the campus to mark the vigilance awareness week. A section covering the vigilance awareness is planned in the forthcoming institute newsletter and institute Hindi magazine Pragya.