Farewell program in honour of Dr. (Mrs.) Safeena S. A.
Farewell program in honour of Dr. (Mrs.) Safeena S. A.
A farewell program was arranged in honour of Dr. (Mrs.) Safeena S. A., Scientist (Floriculture & Landscaping) on 10th April, 2017 who was transferred to ICAR-Directorate of Floricultural Research, Pune from this Institute on 1st April, 2017. Dr. E. B. Chakurkar, Director of the Institute presided over the function. Dr. (Mrs.) Safeena S. A. was honoured by Dr. E. B. Chakurkar with flowers and by presenting a shawl. The staff members shared their experiences with Dr. (Mrs.) Safeena S. A. and wished her a happy and successful future.