ICAR –CCARI Goa and Department of Agriculture, Goa jointly organised two days workshop on Integrated farming system on 16th and 17th November 2019 at ICAR-KVK, North Goa, Ela, Old Goa


A Two day workshop on integrated farming system was organised by ICAR Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries on 16th and 17th November 2019 at ICAR-KVK, North Goa, Ela, Old Goa. on 16th 2019, Total of 100 progressive farmers from different parts of Goa and 80 officials from Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries were actively participated in workshop and field visits. Hon’ble Chief Minister, Dr. Pramod Sawant, Government of Goa, and Shri Chandrakant (Babu) Kavlekar, Hon’ble Dy. Chief Minister and Minister for Agriculture, Government of Goa along with Dr. E.B.Chakurkar, Director (ICAR-CCARI), Mr. Madhav Kelkar (Director, Department of Agriculture) and Dr. Santhosh Desai (Director, Department of Animal Husbandry and veterinary Services) inaugurated the workshop with introductory preamble on Scientific integrated farming, its importance in doubling the farm income, advance technologies in livestock production and fisheries.During technical session, Dr. E.B. Chakurkar highlighted the importance of integrated farming system and their relevance to Goa in doubling farmer’s income. Dr. Paramesha, V. (local Coordinator) emphasized the potential of integrated farming system in achieving sustainability and explained different IFS model developed by the ICAR CCARI, Goa and their potential to meet the food and nutritional security of the farm family. Dr. S. Priya Devi gave a glimpse on processing and value addition in horticulture and spice cultivation. Dr. Mathala Juliet Gupta exposed the farmers to different post-harvest technologies, farm machineries and improved storage technologies available for farmers to reduce post-harvest losses. After technical session, the panel discussion was held to know different schemes available with the department and interaction session was held between farmers and department officials.

During second day of workshop field visits were held at ICAR-CCARI, Goa, farm of Major Shandilya at Madkai, Farm of Shri Nilesh Velgekar, Betoda, Ponda and at Kodar farm, Ponda. About 120 farmers and 80 department officials attended the field visits. In ICAR-CCARI three IFS models standardised at ICAR CCARI, Goa were shown to farmers (Rice based, Plantation crop based and coconut based farming system). The workshop was concluded in evening after completing the field visits.