ICAR-CCARI organised a Field Day & Farmers-Scientists Interaction under Scheduled Tribe Component at Gaodongari village, Canacona, Goa
ICAR-CCARI organised a Field Day & Farmers-Scientists Interaction under Scheduled Tribe Component at Gaodongari village, Canacona, Goa
A team of scientists from ICAR-CCARI, Goa, comprising Dr. Parveen Kumar (Director, ICAR-CCARI, Goa), Dr. A. R. Desai (Principal Scientist, Horticulture) and Dr. Shripad Bhat (Scientist, Agril. Economics) visited FLD plots at Ziltawadi and Satorlim in Gaondongrim Panchayat, Canacona and organized a Field Day on 11-02-2022 and a Farmers-Scientists Interaction under the Scheduled Tribe Component (STC).
In this Field Day, scientists and the ST farmers of SHGs visited FLD plots on cashew production technology and productivity enhancement in coconut based cropping system. While reviewing the progress of the activities, Dr. Parveen Kumar appreciated the technological backstopping and observed that, due to the interventions, yield levels have increased more than three times, besides effective utilization of byproducts of one component as inputs in other components complementarily. Dr. A. R. Desai described how the barren land was converted into the present integrated agri-horti system, enhancing the farmers’ income and transforming the village economy.
Farmers expressed their satisfaction and informed the team about the increased incomes and employment generated due to various technological interventions. The team was apprised about the benefits accrued under the programme and witnessed how farmers adopted innovative practices such as using the cashew apple thresher for finger millet threshing. Farmers highlighted that there was a reduction in drudgery due to farm machinery interventions, increased labour efficiency, and savings in costs. The team held interactive discussions with farmers and discussed further action plans.