Dhanishta: Shami (Spunge tree) |
Shami is the associated tree of Shani graha. It is an evergreen tree with conical spines found in dry arid regions of India. Shami is a medium sized leguminous multipurpose tree with various medicinal uses (Pareek et al., 2015). The stem bark is used to treat rheumatism, common cold and piles. The flowers are used on skin diseases as a blood purifier and as a coolant. Apart from its medicinal benefits; this tree is a part of rituals in Hindu religion and is an excellent source of fuel and timber. Bark decoction is useful in sore throat, mouth ulcer and tooth ache. Tender leaves infusion can cure diarrhoea and dysentery very fast. Seeds have antidiabetic principles and pod is used to cure urio- geneital issues. Leaves also possess insecticidal properties.