Annual Zonal Workshop of KVKs of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa Organized by ATARI, Pune from 14-16 June 2019  


Annual Zonal Workshop of KVKs of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa Organized by ATARI, Pune from 14-16 June 2019


Annual Zonal Workshop of KVKs was organized by ICAR-ATARI, Pune at ICAR-CCARI, Goa during 14-16 June, 2019. In this program, 79 KVKs of Maharashtra (47), Gujarat (30) and Goa (2) participated and presented their progress for the year 2018-19. Directors/Professors of Extension Education of 8 SAUs shared their initiatives on innovative monitoring mechanism and extension methodologies for overseeing the KVKs in their area jurisdiction.


In valedictory session, Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG (Agril Extension), ICAR, New Delhi said that KVK is working as One Stop Shop for solving farmers’ problems through real time agro-advisory in different forms. There is need to understand the concept of doubling farmers’ income and developing 2-3 villages by each KVK as model for enhancing farmers’ real income through enterprise based interventions. Entire village should be linked with grassroots village institutions for sustenance of regular income generation. KVK should take firm step to create or facilitate technologically the FPO/FPC for resource sharing and good marketing. He focused on to create own system of communication in the villages. Commodity based social media groups may be created and increased in more numbers. One IFS model at each KVK must be developed and status of interaction and resource channelization should be ascertained. New farmers should be added and linked to the KVK and nutri-rich and bio-fortified crops/varieties should be promoted. Farmer wise data base should be created over the years.


Frontiers of extension methodology and opportunities were discussed in length by Dr. P. Das, Ex-DDG (Agril Extension), ICAR, New Delhi. KVK needs to focus on technology testing, technology adaptation and technology integration. Institutional arrangement is required for scaling up and scaling out of best practices. Use of decision support system, agro-ecosystem analysis, major approaches to analyze vulnerability, learn how to learn, etc. were dealt. Process documentation and context in writing case study need to be focused.


Dr Ashok Patel, Vice Chancellor, SDAU, S.K. Nagar; Dr. K.P. Vishwanatha, Vice Chancellor, MPKV, Rahuri; Dr. S.D. Sawant, Vice Chancellor, BSKKV, Dapoli and Dr. V.P. Chahal, ADG (Agril Extension), ICAR; Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ATARI, Pune and Dr. E.B. Chakurkar, Director, CCARI, Goa inaugurated the annual zonal workshop on 14th June, 2019. They stated that KVKs are meant to identify and disseminate agricultural technologies. Retaining youth in agriculture can be possible by creating on-farm and non-farm employment opportunities. Mentor KVKs may be useful for empowering other KVKs and farmers and appealed to attach some KVKs to them.


Brief account of achievements was presented by Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Pune. He highlighted different cases and IFS models for following by different category of farmers towards attaining regular real farm income. In his welcome address, Dr. E.B. Chakurkar, Director, ICAR-CCARI, Goa focused on diversified enterprises for higher profit. Shri Madhav Kelkar, Director Agriculture (Govt. of Goa) urged the KVKs to work on value chain management. Shri H.R.C. Prabhu, Head, KVK, North Goa coordinated the program.