ICAR-CCARI in Collaboration with Coastal Impact Organizes an Underwater and Beach Cleaning Program in Goa

ICAR-CCARI in Collaboration with Coastal Impact Organizes an Underwater and Beach Cleaning Program in Goa

ICAR-CCARI, in collaboration with Coastal Impact, orchestrated a significant cleanup initiative on 28th April 2024, at St. George Island, Goa aimed at preserving the marine ecosystem. This endeavor involves active participation from 40 individuals representing Coastal Impact, ICAR-CCARI, and volunteers from various educational institutions. Mr. Venkatesh Charloo, the visionary founder of Coastal Impact, elucidated the crucial importance of marine conservation and the imperative need for beach cleaning activities during a pre-cruise briefing. He provided insights into the methodology of waste collection, sorting, tallying, and safety measures to be followed during the cleanup process.

The collective effort yielded the segregation of garbage into distinct categories such as plastic bottles, sanitary items, glassware, etc., which were then meticulously packed for recycling. Notably, alcoholic bottles emerged as the most prevalent waste material collected. The underwater diving team undertook the task of retrieving waste materials from the islands surrounding reef area, uncovering discarded nets, ropes, plastic bags, and glass items, thereby mitigating the threat posed by ghost fishing resulting from abandoned fishing gear. The cleanup operation culminated in the collection of an impressive tally of 50 jute bags filled with debris, which were transported back to shore for proper recycling procedures.

The cleanup effort yielded significant results, with a substantial volume of marine debris and pollutants successfully cleared from both coastal and underwater environments. This proactive measure mitigated immediate threats to marine life and habitats, ensuring a healthier ecosystem. Moreover, the event sparked a sense of empowerment among local communities and volunteers, motivating them to take proactive steps towards preserving coastal ecosystems and advocating for sustainable environmental practices. Additionally, by serving as a platform for raising awareness about marine conservation issues, the event reached a diverse audience and inspired individuals to join ongoing efforts, fostering a collective commitment to safeguarding our oceans for future generations.

Dr. Parveen Kumar, Director ICAR-CCARI, in his address, accentuated the pivotal role played by the marine ecosystem and fisheries in coastal regions. He pointed out the commendable efforts of Coastal Impact and pledged full support from ICAR-CCARI towards their conservation initiatives. Shri. Trivesh Suresh Mayeker, a distinguished Scientist (FGB) ICAR-CCARI, underscored the significance of such cleanup endeavors and highlighted the alarming menace of microplastics plaguing our oceans. This collaborative endeavor, was spearheaded by Mr. Venkatesh Charloo, Mr. Jeremy Josh and his team, Shri. Trivesh Suresh Mayeker, Melbin Lal and ICAR CCARI team symbolize a unified commitment toward safeguarding our precious marine habitats for generations to come.